Please view video below, or follow the written steps:
1. From your Dashboard, click on the “Status” Tab:
2. In the new Assessment Status window, you will see you have 2 tabs- the Pending and Completed.
a. Pending Tab should be white and at the forefront
i. You can search the patient name, pending item (questionnaire and /or labs), or sort by date ordered.
ii. Any missing actions will be listed next to the patient’s name.
– Pending Questionnaires will be highlighted in Red
– Pending Labs will be highlighted in Orange
iii. A drop-down menu for Actions is available to the right of the patient’s information. You can resend the questionnaire, or view details (if labs are pending, you can view the status of each test under the Details option)
b. Completed Tab will list the patients who have completed all required components to generate a report (you also receive email notifications when these items are completed, and you also see the notification come up in the Dashboard under the Events area). Clicking on the patient’s name brings you to the details View of that particular order.
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